
IP Ranges 


The country IP Ranges have been updated.

IP Ranges 


The country IP Ranges have been updated.

IEEE Update 


The IEEE Database has been updated.

Apache Installer 


Apache 2.4.55 with PHP 8.2.4 is now available

IP Ranges 


The country IP Ranges have been updated.

IP Ranges 


The country IP Ranges have been updated.

IP Ranges 


The country IP Ranges have been updated.

IEEE Update 


The IEEE Database has been updated.

IP Ranges 


The country IP Ranges have been updated.

Apache Installer 


Apache 2.4.54 with PHP 8.1.8 is now available

IP Ranges 


The country IP Ranges have been updated.

IP Ranges 


The country IP Ranges have been updated.

Windows Languages 


New service that shows languages and encodings supported by Windows.

IP Ranges 


The country IP Ranges have been updated.

Myspace Dragon Hoard 


An issue has been fixed and it should work again.

Twitch Dump 


Twitch data dump.

IP Ranges 


The country IP Ranges have been updated.

Apache Installer 


PHP 8.0.10 is now available

Flash player installer 


An easy to use flash player installer

DOCMAC IPv6 generator 


Generates unique IPv6 addresses for your machine to use locally

IP Ranges 


The country IP Ranges have been updated.

Apache Installer 


PHP 8.0.10 is now available

Apache Installer 


PHP 8.0.9 is now available

Tor Client 


New service that provides automatically created Tor client installers.

IP Ranges 


The country IP Ranges have been updated.

IEEE Update 


The IEEE Database has been updated.

Reddit shadowban tester 


Reddit shadowban tester now has a paid API.

PHP Update 


Major PHP version update.

IP Ranges 


The country IP Ranges have been updated.

PDF Splitter 


New tool that allows you to extract or delete pages from a PDF file.

IP Ranges 


The country IP Ranges have been updated.

Wifi QR generator 


New tool that creates QR codes to allow mobile devices to quickly connect to a given wifi network.

IP Ranges 


The country IP Ranges have been updated.

Apache Installer 


PHP 8.0.1 is now available

Image compressor 


Compresses your image according to your restrictions

Apache Installer 


PHP 8.0.0 is now available

IP Ranges 


The country IP Ranges have been updated.

IP Ranges 


The country IP Ranges have been updated.

Jeff Bezos Net Worth 


Simply shows how much Jeff Bezos has

New Palette Editor 


The image dithering application now has custom palette support with a color editor.

IEEE Update 


The IEEE Database has been updated.

IP Ranges 


The country IP Ranges have been updated.

Reddit Shadowban Tester Fixed 


This service should be working again.

Unix Time 


Unix time just ticked over to 1600000000.

IP Ranges 


The country IP Ranges have been updated.

IEEE Update 


The IEEE Database has been updated.

Tracker Grouping 


The tracker list now groups trackers with identical host names together.

Apache Installer 


I made easy to use installers for Apache + PHP

Image Dithering 


The image dithering component has been updated. It is much more accurate now and supports many more modes.

IP Ranges 


The country IP Ranges have been updated.

GeForce Drivers 


This page makes finding GeForce drivers easier.

IP Ranges 


The country IP Ranges have been updated.

IP Ranges 


The Azure cloud IP ranges are much more detailed now.

Network Speed Logger 


The network speed logger now has a ping graph.

IP Ranges 


The country IP Ranges have been updated.

Netflix Category Browser 


Allows you to browse specific categories on netflix

C-Lines Editor 


A C-Lines (or clines) editor for card sharing server files

IP Ranges 


The country IP Ranges have been updated.

New UPS 


I bought a new UPS that you can monitor.

TOTP Fixes 


I finally fixed the TOTP implementation.

IP Ranges 


The country IP Ranges have been updated.

Port Scanner 


Tests your own IP against a list of open TCP ports.

Icon Game Available Again 


A server change made the game unavailable. It works again now.

All the Flags! 


This page shows all existing flags in Unicode as a country code table

MOD Player² 


We added a differnet player in webassembly. Uses less processing power

MOD Player 


The amiga style mod player has been updated to work better on Firefox

IP Ranges 


The country IP Ranges have been updated.

Mail Server Tester 


This tests mail servers for conformity with some anti-spam checks

Root CA List Update 


The root CA list now has a page that shows the latest few added certificates only

PHP Snippets 


This shows PHP code I wrote over time that might be useful

Straw Poll Result Extractor 


Exports Straw Poll results into a format for your spreadsheet

Security Update 


This server now supports TLS 1.3. Version 1.1 and older is disabled now.

New Service 


A new service was added that lists all hosts from because they make it artificially difficult to get the list.

IEEE Update 


The IEEE Database has been updated.

IP Ranges 


The country IP Ranges have been updated.



This product allows you to share and backup your maps

IP Ranges 


The country IP Ranges have been updated.

Zalgo Text Remover 


This utility converts zalgo text to regular text.

IP Ranges 


The country IP Ranges have been updated.

IEEE Update 


The IEEE Database has been updated.

Reddit Shadow Ban Tester 


The reddit shadow ban tester has been fixed.

IP Ranges 


The country IP Ranges have been updated.

DLC Decrypter 


The DLC Decrypter has an online version now

Perpetual Images 


A few animations, called "Blue Ball Machine"

Onion Address Tester 


Creation and reachability test of onion services

New IP List 


IP lists can now be downloaded in a format commonly used as Blocklists in P2P applications

Myspace Dragon Hoard 


1.2 TB of music from myspace before it was "lost in time". Archival was done between 2008-2010.

RNG Tool 


Generates cryptographically safe random numbers using a hardware generator.

RNG Test 


The RNG performance tool was updated to include a WebAssembly solution.

IP Ranges 


The country IP Ranges have been updated.

IPoAC Calculator 


This calculator compares an IPoAC network against a competing "perfect" connection

Root CA List 


New page that lists all trusted root certificates from Microsoft

SPF Record Parser 


The parser can read PTR records now and properly ignores danymic/macro entries

IP Ranges 


The country IP Ranges have been updated.

Unicode Font Tool 


Allows you to use a few fonts when you are not allowed to.

HTTP Security Check 


HSC checks your webserver against common problems

Redirect Tester 


Tests how many redirects your browser accepts

Windows Error Code Lookup 


This tool contains a list of all Windows internal error codes.

MakeMKV Key 


The MakeMKV key site has been updated. A language engine error has been fixed that failed to parse the date "end of X" properly.

IEC Icons 


Site that allows you to browse most IEC icons used on appliances

IP Ranges 


The country IP Ranges have been updated.

4chan Status Checker 


The 4chan status checker now has an "Auto" feature to check every 30 seconds.

E-Mail Server Checklist 


Helps you if you plan to host an E-Mail service or have troubles with your service being treated as spam.
This is part of the general Help system and not the main menu

SPF Record Parser 


Parses SPF records which are used to get server permitted to send E-Mails for a given domain. Can be used to debug SPF validation failures

IP Ranges 


Massive speed improvements to the website. It no longer takes multiple seconds to load an entry.

MakeMKV Key 


The MakeMKV key site has been updated. The old key is only cached for 1 instead of 12 hours if expired to react faster once the author updates it

IP Ranges 


The country IP Ranges have been updated.

YT Annotation Downloader 


Downloads Youtube video annotations



Mangles and "unmangles" almost any text



Utility that tries to fix screen burn-in, dead pixels and stuck pixels. This is a web version of my ScreenFix Windows utility

Image Scaling 


Utility that scales images and achieves good results especially for drawings and computer images.

UUID Generator 


Tool that generates UUIDs (or Guids).

IEEE Update 


The IEEE Database has been updated.

IP Ranges 


The country IP Ranges have been updated.

Vanity Key Generator 


The vanity Bitcoin Key Generator was updated so it works again.

Tampermonkey Scripts 


The script directory now has filters for some script types.

Global IP Database 


Collection of multiple different IP ranges in a consistent format.

Evercookie Demo 


This Page tries to remember you without JavaScript or Cookies

MsgBox Generator 


Generates Code for the VBScript and VBA MsgBox Command

RSS Feed 


This News Section is accessible from RSS readers now

FTP Server Update 


The public FTP Server script has been updated. It supports directory export up to 2 GB now and also features a bulk link exporter for download managers.

IEEE Update 


The IEEE Database has been updated.

IP Ranges 


The country IP Ranges have been updated.



Tool that converts strings and files into bitmaps in a way that preserves the data in a hexadecimal dump.

SRI Generator Update 


The SRI generator has been updated to use bootstrap 4 and will now report back multiple hash types.

IEEE Update 


The IEEE Database has been updated.

IP Ranges 


The country IP Ranges have been updated.

Youtube Downloader 


The youtube link extractor was ported to this server

MakeMKV Key 


The key grabber was updated for the new forum

Help System 


I added a help system that contains various help topics and guides.

IP Ranges 


The country IP Ranges have been updated.

New Imgur Script 


This script restores the old Home page

4chan Script Update 


Big update. More keyboard navigation, support of new 4chan server naming and more. Check the help button in the settings dialog.

FileCrypt CnL Extractor 


This script automatically extracts Links from

IP Ranges 


The country IP Ranges have been updated.

MakeMKV Key 


The MakeMKV key site now reports how long the key is valid

NIC Update 


The NIC Lookup table has been updated

CnL Script 


A script to implement the completely broken Click'n'Load system on your website

Robot Test 


A somewhat offensive test that circulates as an image, converted to an easy to use form

IP Address Converter 


A simple IPv4 converter to interpret CIDR notation.

IP Ranges 


The country IP Ranges have been updated.

4chan Script Update Again 


The 4chan script was updated to automatically retry posting on errors. The current timeout is 5 seconds.

4chan Status Checker 


The 4chan status checker tests if all 4chan services are running. It's more accurate than the checker on their blog.

4chan Script Update Again 


  • Replies can now quickly shown and hidden using the H key
  • and allow you to select posts. Clicking on a post will also select it.
  • ENTER will expand or collapse the image shown.
  • The settings window has been changed to use less screen space.
  • The correct post is selected if an ID is present in the URL.

4chan Script Update 


The 4chan script was updated to not immediately hide posts again that the user wants to unhide.

IP Ranges 


The country IP Ranges have been updated.

Empty Files 


I added a collection of empty files, which can be downloaded.

Icons Everywhere! 


I was wondering how fast JavaScript can draw images. Now it's a game.

MakeMKV Key 


This page shows the current MakeMKV Beta key. It also provides means and tools to automate key updates.

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Copyright © 2020 by Kevin Gut 📧 | Generated for