Maximum image size is 3000x3000.
The maximum number of colors is 256.
To render an image in various predefined palettes instead,
click here.
No file selected yet
Note: Work on the image is done with a scaled-down version
to increase preview generation.
When you're happy with the choices,
you can download a full sized render.
2. Select palette
Pick the number of colors,
or select a pre-defined palette to begin with.
You can also import an existing palette.
Any change you make here will immediately discard your custom palette changes.
3. Edit palette
You can close the dialog and edit the palette now.
After you're done, click on "Settings"
to export the image and/or the palette.
Or you can go to the next step right now
if you don't want to edit the palette.
4. Export
You can export the palette in various formats
JSON format: {"rgb":[color, color, ...]}
where "color" is an integer value representing the three RGB components.
This format can be imported into this application again.
Binary format as a 24 bit palette.
3 bytes for each color value in RGB order.
The number of colors is determined by dividing the length (in bytes) by 3.