Frequently Asked Questions

This page tries to answer questions that might commonly arise

What is this service?

The Satisfactory Map Reposirory (SMR) is a service that allows you to easily backup, organize, and share your maps.

Who can use this service?

SMR is for anyone. Doesn't matter if the game consumed your life or if you only have a few hours on the clock.

What does it cost?

SMR is free to use

Can others see my maps?

By default, no. We mark all maps you upload as "private". If you want to share your maps you can do that using the hidden id or by setting it to public.

What is the hidden id?

The hidden id grants people readonly access to private maps of other users. It's a way to share maps without making them public. Click on the file name of a map in your account to see the hidden id. You can also change it there.

How many maps can I upload?

There is no limit right now. If we see abuse, we might limit the number of public maps for each account.

I want to integrate SMR into <x>, can I do that?

Yes. Check out the API documentation and the reference implementation to get started. Check out the Editor if you want to see it in action.

The API reference is in C#, do you have other languages?

Check the "Browser Usage" chapter in the API help. We do offer a crude JS API script that has no dependencies at all.

How to give someone API access?

To grant API access, the product in question should redirect you to the repository where you can confirm or deny the request. A demonstration can be found here. If you are not logged in, you will be prompted to do that first.
Never enter your username and password into a 3rd party application. It's not necessary.

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