Satisfactory Map Repository

Upload, backup and share your maps

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AyrAWTF.savedited foundations global grid sky base untouched nature untouched artifacts untouched slugs untouched animals fun art challenge
AyrA5x5.savedited foundations global grid sky base untouched nature untouched artifacts untouched slugs untouched animals fun art
AyrATiny-T7.savedited nature clean energy untouched nature untouched artifacts untouched slugs untouched animals
AyrATiny-T4.savedited nature complete research clean energy untouched nature untouched artifacts untouched slugs untouched animals

Public Beta Reminder

List of things that are fully working (latest few in bold):

  • API reference implementation
  • API
  • API documentation
  • Hidden map id
  • User name change
  • Map view with filter
  • Registration
  • Login
  • E-Mail
  • Password change
  • Map viewer
  • Map editor
  • Map management
  • Account termination

List of things that are not yet implemented:

  • E-Mail change
  • Map updates
  • Map voting

If you are interested in helping out, you can use the contact form

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