This script is marked as "expired".
It's likely not going to work the way it should.
If you really need this script,
contact me.
This script is marked as "external".
This means that the script was developed for someone else.
Because I don't use the script myself I will not know when it breaks.
If it breaks,
contact me for a fix.
User Script Managers
A userscript manager is the browser extension that injects scripts into websites
to change their behavior to your liking.
All scripts on this site have been developed and tested with Tampermonkey on firefox.
Try other browsers and other script managers at your own risk.
No script should use firefox or chrome specific features,
which means they should also work in other modern browsers.
If you prefer, you can use greasemonkey.
Get Tampermonkey,
Get Greasemonkey (Firefox only)
Script Installation
Once you have obtained a user script manager,
clicking on the install button will pop up an installation prompt.
To allow script manager detection,
you can install this helper script.
It's not necessary but simplifies your future visits to this site.
Script Installation
We detected, that you have a script manager installed and active.
Click the "Install Script" button to obtain the script.