Microsoft Trusted Root Certificate Downloads
This page offers downloads for the certificate list.
These files contain all CA certificates in various formats.
All CA certificates in binary format in a single zip file.
All certificates concatenated into a single text file.
Mostly for Linux operating systems.
Windows will only read the first certificate from the file.
"p7b" file format for direct import into your local CA list. For Windows only
Revocation and CA lists.
These do not contain certificates,
only some information about them.
CA Trust List:
List of all trusted certificates.
This list is not necessarily the exact same as the CA cert downloads.
The list contains hashes and some certificate properties but not entire certificates.
(Might require STL Fix, see below)
CA Distrust List:
List of distrusted certificates.
Contains MD5 hashes of distrusted certificates,
no other information is provided in the file.
(Might require STL Fix, see below)
Tools for managing certificates
Certificate Manager++:
Certificate manager to manage computer certs and user certs simultaneously in Windows
STL Fix:
Registry fix for when you can't open the trust and distrust list.
Windows 10 sometimes maps this extension to a 3D rendering application.
This file fixes this issue and reverts it back to the certificate list.
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